We welcome any inquiries about events at Tokyo Church of the Lord's Faith or any requests about our website.
After submitting your inquiry form, please note that it may take up to a week for us to reply to you. We are trying our best to be of service as soon as possible, so we appreciate your understanding.
Also, if possible, please check our FAQ page before contacting us. We hope it will be of help for you.
Please feel free to contact us anytime.
Official LINE Account
We accept messages regardless of genre, such as inquiries, notifications, and impressions related to the church.
If there is anything you would like to contact our church about, please feel free to contact us at any time from the chat screen after adding us as a LINE friend by clicking the button below.

Inquiry Form
Tokyo Lord's Faith Church Contact Information
Phone number: 03-6874-0492
E-mail address: info@j-cgm-tokyofaith.net
Click here for address and other access information